This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Brian Swift, Kami Huyse, Justin Lokitz, and Andoni Silva.
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#414: Brian Swift and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Reignite your spark by overcoming limiting beliefs and finding inner strength. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Brian Swift (, the founder and president of SOAR Nonprofit, an author, speaker, and inspirational coach. His mission is to give people with disabilities the opportunity to participate in outdoor, accessible activities and provide them with accessible equipment.

Brian broke his neck when he was 17 years old, and since then, he has had one mission: to continue moving forward, regardless of being quadriplegic. He finished his college degree in four years, went to law school, and graduated. After 20 years in the corporate world, Brian developed a dream to help and inspire others with disabilities to get outdoors and exercise more. He’s been married for 30 years now and has coached athletics at the high school level in both football and basketball, showing that he is not limited in fulfilling his dreams despite his physical limitations.

If you are feeling stuck in your personal and professional life and find yourself asking, “What’s stopping me?”, reach out to Brian Swift by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business professionals who get stuck should reach out to Brian Swift.
There are so many unbelievably different reasons that people get stuck. My role is to coach you if you have a limiting mindset and feel stuck in life, and help you move forward. #GetUnstuck @S_O_A_R_nonprof
Everybody has different needs. I work based on what you need and what works for you, helping you understand the mindset that holds you back in life and in your career. #GetUnstuck @S_O_A_R_nonprof
I can provide a framework to mentor you on how to get past your limitations — around them or through them — and to guide you to keep moving forward. #GetUnstuck
Even as a quadriplegic — paralyzed from the neck down — I can share my own life experience of accomplishing things that people told me I couldn’t, which gives me the credibility to talk about #GettingUnstuck. @S_O_A_R_nonprof

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#415: Kami Huyse and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Optimize sky-rocketing results and revenue for your business by connecting to your target audience and building an online community. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kami Huyse (, the CEO at Zoetica Media, a social media expert, digital strategist, speaker, and author who connects people and ideas. She is passionate about building communities and driving measurable results.

Kami is an award-winning architect of numerous marketing and influencer relations programs, which have earned her two Society for New Communications Research Social Media awards and the IABC’s Gold Quill of Excellence Award. She is a professional in getting results for clients through the use of a strategic approach tailor-fitted to every project.

If you’re in a medium- to large-sized enterprise and don’t have an online community despite having many customers, reach out to Kami Huyse by visiting her profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Medium to large companies that have clients but no community should reach out to Kami Huyse.
Every brand knows that they should have a presence on social media, but it’s hard to get heard in a crowded marketplace. We’ve all had cricket posts. Kami helps businesses get heard.
We’ve are down into the trenches day-to-day. We’ve helped enterprise companies build online communities that support the brand and their customers.
I want to help more businesses get the same results from the frameworks we had developed for bigger companies, so we created Smart Social Secrets, an online course that will teach you how to find, engage and activate your online community.
Collaborating with experts in social media allows you to create powerful content that will connect you to your ideal audience and help you start talking to the people who will get you the best results!

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#416: Justin Lokitz and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Design better businesses by harnessing opportunities from uncertainty. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Justin Lokitz (, the strategy designer and managing director at Business Models, Inc. He’s also an author, startup advisor, professional speaker, and strategy guru.

Justin has a dynamic career as a design strategist, product manager, sales engineer, business consultant, and leader for national and multinational companies. Throughout his career, he has developed and delivered a multitude of successful business models, products, presentations, and strategies for a wide range of focus areas and customers.

If you are in a giant multinational company and know it needs to change, reach out to Justin Lokitz by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Giant multinationals that need to change or die should reach out to Justin Lokitz. #HarnessingOpportunity @JustinLokitz
The world is making a massive transformation in the way it does business. The future could be 5 times more transformational. Giant multinationals need to be equipped for that change or die. #HarnessingOpportunity @JustinLokitz
Giant multinationals will greatly benefit from business model innovation. I can help your company #HarnessOpportunities by designing and testing better business options for the future. @JustinLokitz
As life changes and employees get more entrepreneurial and excited about doing things they love, there are more opportunities for smaller startups inside a company. I can help your company #HarnessTheseOpportunities.
I’ve worked with over 150 giant multinationals across many different sectors. This gives me the credibility to help giant multinationals change their strategy and #HarnessOpportunities from uncertainty.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#417: Andoni Silva and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Find balance and fulfillment between work and personal life by hitting your goals faster. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Andoni Silva (, the founder and host for The Business Men’s Circle and 3X Coaching for Business Leaders.

Andoni is an awareness coach and entrepreneur who helps business leaders become the best they can be without compromising their personal life. He helps them reach the professional success they wish for in their personal life and the inner peace they deserve. With his track record of success, he provides career development coaching that has helped hundreds of business leaders live a happier life.

If you want to be more successful at work and be successful at home at the same time, reach out to Andoni Silva to find #Balance by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business leaders who want to be the best they can be in business without compromising their personal life should reach out to Andoni Silva. #Fulfillment #Balance
Most business leaders work harder and longer hours than anyone else because they know that they are capable of achieving much more. Do you feel the same? Are you doing the same thing? #Fulfillment #Balance
Most business leaders tend to overwork, but they also feel bad for not being the best they can be. They feel guilty both for working too much and for not enjoying themselves. #Fulfillment #Balance
Are you struggling to be the best that you can be? I help business leaders get the most out of themselves and be the best that they can be with a clear objective, which is to hit their professional and personal goals faster. #Fulfillment #Balance
We grew up thinking that if we reached a certain level of success, we would get happiness and #Fulfillment beyond our professional success. Did that happen to you?

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #414-417: Swift, Huyse, Lokitz, Silva w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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