This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts John Bianchi, Alain Hunkins, Ajax Greene, and Dr. Natasha Todorovic-Cowan.
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#390: John Bianchi and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase your market exposure, and optimize your sales funnel through creative and revenue-driving strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert John Bianchi (, a marketing and business consultant, partner at Bos Klein, and vice president at BOS Digital. He renders highly specialized, data-driven, three-stage marketing strategies for clients.

John is the co-founder of Bos Klein. He brings together experts in the fields of media, design, communications, and technology. He primarily helps small and mid-sized companies increase their market exposure while boosting their ROI and cutting costs. He is also passionate about uplifting the integrity of creative processes, to provide his clients with relevant tools that effectively establish cultural codes.

If you have a product or service but don’t know how to represent or bring it to the market, reach out to John Bianchi by going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that are trying to tell their stories about bringing a product or service to the market but are not sure how to should reach out to John Bianchi and get help.
People are turning to different types of platforms today. We help customers and clients understand their brand message to educate them about what’s needed in the digital and branding space.
We help companies craft creative campaigns to deliver their branding message to their target market.
Advertising and branding is a crowded space. There are big agencies that are breaking up and startup firms that are doing great work out there. You have to be different and stand out.
It all comes down to understanding the right channels of delivery and then being able to use those to effectively talk to the customers and clients that you specifically want to reach.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#391: Alain Hunkins and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Become a better leader in today’s transformative world through a solid leadership program. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Alain Hunkins (, the managing director of Hunkin’s Leadership Group. He is also a sought-after speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach.

Alain has over 20 years of leadership training, facilitation, adult learning, development design, organizational development, and culture change. Leaders trust him to help unlock their potential and expand their influence, leading to superior results, increased engagement, higher levels of retention, and greater organizational and personal satisfaction.

If you know the “what” and the “why” of becoming a better leader but can’t figure out the “how,” reach out to Alain Hunkins by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who know what they want to do but are trying to figure out how they’re going to do it should reach out to Alain Hunkins. #Leadership @AlainHunkins
Many people already know their “what” and “why.” In a changing #Leadership environment and culture, what is not obvious is the “how.” I can help you figure out “how” to become a better leader. @AlainHunkins
No matter what industry you’re in, we’re all in the people business. Most people are trained at what they do. What they didn’t get trained on is the people side. I specialize in the human psychology that it takes to #Lead well.
The challenge today is how to #Lead an essentially human endeavor using the power of technology. Through coaching, training, speaking, and facilitating, I help people understand what it takes to lead. @AlainHunkins
I’ve been working in the leadership space with over 2,000 groups and tens of thousands of leaders in the last 23 years. This gives me the credibility to help you figure out how to become a better #Leader.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#392: Ajax Greene and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Making money in the new economy through bottom-line strategy. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Ajax Greene (, a thought leader, speaker, serial social entrepreneur, mindful business advisor, and regenerative business evangelist.

Ajax has turned his creativity, talent and positive energy to building organizations and a community that expresses a deep commitment to being conscious of the triple bottom line of people, planet, and prosperity. As a former world-class rock climber and adventure athlete, he understands commitment, drive, and vision. His mission is to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time.

If you are a founder of a company and are leaving #Money on the table and can’t figure out how or why, reach out to Ajax Greene by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Company founders that are leaving #Money on the table should reach out to Ajax Greene. @OnBelayBusiness
Company founders are leaving #Money on the table because they’re not giving their customers the products they want. They need to change their strategy. I am here to create an effective strategy to increase your revenue. @OnBelayBusiness
My work is all around strategy and people issues. My strategy focuses on the concept that customers are demanding more socially responsible, green, triple-bottom-line regenerative products. Companies need to deliver to profit. #Money @OnBelayBusiness
Green, triple-bottom-line regenerative products are high-margin, excellent opportunities for businesses. If companies are ignoring this marketplace, they’re leaving #Money on the table. I can help you with this business opportunity. @OnBelayBusiness
My business career has spanned from a serial social entrepreneur of manufacturing companies to healthcare. I grew one healthcare company from $7.5M to $15M in revenue. This gives me the credibility to help companies make #Money.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#393: Dr. Natasha Todorovic-Cowan and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Keep your customers by understanding human dynamics. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. Natasha Todorovic-Cowan (, the CEO of National Value Center Consulting and the owner of the Spiral Dynamics brand.

Natasha’s expertise includes consulting, training, and development at all levels of management. She has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of positions and industries, including marketing in the high technology sector, retail and outside sales in products and services, consulting and training, and production, product development, marketing, and merchandising in garment and textile manufacturing. Natasha helps build resilient leaders who navigate change, transform teams, and achieve stellar results.

If you lie awake at night wondering whether your customers are going to ghost you because you don’t know how to keep them, reach out to Dr. Natasha Todorovic-Cowan by visiting her website,

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Entrepreneurs who lie awake at night wondering whether their customers are going to ghost them should reach out to Dr. Natasha Todorovic-Cowan. #KeepYourCustomers @SpiralDynamics
When dealing with customers, understand how they change, think, grow, and are motivated, as well as how they work in the world. We tackle the human problems under the human problems. #KeepYourCustomers @SpiralDynamics
People are social creatures. We have an assessment suite that helps entrepreneurs understand what’s going on under the hood. We can help you learn how to #KeepYourCustomers. @SpiralDynamics
I have over 20 years helping entrepreneurs and flying almost 2M miles certifying over 2K people in 50 countries. This gives me the credibility to help you #KeepYourCustomers.
Entrepreneurs need to understand what’s going on behind the scenes so they don’t wake up realizing that they’ve been ghosted by their customers. We have an assessment suite to help you understand how to #KeepYourCustomers. @SpiralDynamics

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #390-393: Bianchi, Hunkins, Greene, Dr. Todorovic-Cowan w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.