This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Bob Musial, Roger Hall, Mike Gospe, and Paula Peralta.
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#394: Bob Musial and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Enhance your business development and address issues on miscommunication to establish credibility, build trust, and generate more revenue. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Bob Musial (, a value-based business development coach, author, and innovator. He is committed to providing creative input on often-ignored communication “basics.”

Bob works with entrepreneurs, senior management of startups, and small to medium-sized businesses to help analyze, develop, implement, and monitor client, prospect and employee revenue-enhancing programs. He summarized 40-plus years of successful business development, sales, strategic marketing, advertising, and client-service experience in an easy-to-read eBook called, “Soft Skills. Hard Returns.”

Every year, miscommunication costs small and large companies billions of dollars in lost revenue, and no company is immune. If you recognize that somewhere in your organization, there’s a miscommunication, and you need help figuring out how to identify and then fix it, reach out to Bob Musial by going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

What you say, how you say it, when you say it, and why you say, will determine how well your ideas, are understood, accepted, and importantly … acted upon. The converse is also true. Those things are based on soft skills.
Soft skills, like communication, are in high demand because they express subtle, yet powerful attributes that help establish credibility, build trust, provide value and generate revenue. How well developed are the soft skills in your company?
Presentations & proposals are vital in business communication. Do you use memorable, impactful “hooks” in presentations to get and keep someone’s attention that demonstrates you understand and can help resolve their pain points? Do your proposals accomplish the same thing?

Consistently communicating credibility, trust and value to clients, prospects and colleagues in a relevant way, impacts corporate culture and open doors to revenue opportunity. I work with companies and people to help make that happen.
Years ago, I developed a diagnostic tool that measures how well companies and people communicate in four interrelated, revenue-generating categories common to businesses and nonprofits: Awareness, Presentations & Proposals, Account Management and Revenue Protection & Expansion. I’m happy to share it.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#395: Roger Hall and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Monitor and manage your thinking for better behavior and results. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Roger Hall (, a business psychologist, executive coach, and CEO of Achievement Metrics. He provides executive coaching to business owners, senior executives, and high-potential young leaders.

Roger is passionate about training leaders to monitor and manage their thinking. He believes that successful people are disciplined thinkers and that better thinking leads to better behavior, which leads to better results. This is why he focuses on the thinking of his clients first, because behavior quickly follows and results rapidly improve thereafter.

If you or a friend or family member have been in a crisis at some point in time and the pattern keeps repeating and you want to know how to make it stop, reach out to Roger Hall by going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business leaders, entrepreneurs, professionals, or business owners who have made a series of bad decisions that blow up in a crisis should reach out to Roger Hall for help.
I help leaders solve their problem until they realize that they didn’t get there magically. They have a pattern of thinking that took them there. It is my job to help them replace that with better thoughts.
Sometimes I get called in for the whole organization and sometimes just for the leader. But I always want to involve the leader because if the top person isn’t involved, it never goes anywhere.
I got my Ph.D. in psychology in 1991, and I was a clinician for 17 years before I became a business psychologist. I’ve spoken to thousands of people and worked with hundreds of different businesses all over the country.
When the economy is good, everybody becomes a coach. When the economy goes bad, everybody goes back to their day job. This is my day job.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#396: Mike Gospe and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Optimize results and be more customer-focused through Customer Advisory Board Strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mike Gospe (, a professional CAB facilitator, market strategist, author, and coach, who has inspired many B2B companies to become more customer focused.

Mike is a seasoned facilitator who has 17 years of experience in customer advisory boards and partner advisory boards. His passion is inspiring and guiding CEOs and their leadership team to focus on what their customers say. He has heightened customer insights that he has put to good use in coaching cross-functional teams in improving alignment of shared priorities and goals.

If you want to be successful tomorrow but need to know who your customers are today to keep them in the future, reach out to Mike Gospe by going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Customers or C-suite executives who are not getting the full value out of their customer advisory board and don’t know what to do about it should reach out to Mike Gospe.
An advisory board is a unique kind of engagement. It’s a strategy-level focus group that is centered on the future, on the customer, and where their business is going and evolving over the next three years.
It’s not about the host company, but about the trends and drivers on how the customer’s business evolves. What goals are they trying to achieve? How can we, the host company, help them be successful?
The problem is that most executives like talking about themselves more than listening to somebody else. Part of the challenge is this: How do you get executives to actually listen?
On average, it takes three to four months to plan an advisory board meeting, and that’s because you just don’t throw slides together. You interact and discuss!

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#397: Paula Peralta and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Create a happy life by making money doing what you love. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Paula Peralta (, an empowerment expert. She’s a certified facilitator for Joy of Business.

While creating new looks for international and celebrity clients in her Los Angeles salon and traveling the world as a brand ambassador and platform artist, Paula realized that she loved talking to clients about their lives as much as she liked transforming their hair. She believes that you can have it all and that anyone can make money doing what they love. Paula coaches and facilitates clients on how to overcome roadblocks that cross their paths.

If you are unhappy with your life because you are living someone else’s narrative and not your own, reach out to Paula Peralta by visiting her website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Beauty and creative professionals who are living someone else’s narrative and not their own should reach out to Paula Peralta. #HappyLife @PaulaPeralta
Do you wake up in the morning saying to yourself, “This is not my life, this is somebody else’s life”? I can help you make the switch from living that narrative to living a life of joy and passion. #HappyLife @PaulaPeralta
Many people experience burnout because they are not true to their passion. They are living someone else’s narrative. I coach and facilitate my clients on how to overcome the roadblocks that prevent them from a #HappyLife. @PaulaPeralta
The purpose of life is to have fun! I do believe that you can have it all. Anyone can make money doing what they love. I can teach you how to make a living and have a #HappyLife at the same time. @PaulaPeralta
I lived most of my life according to someone else’s narrative. I was so unhappy until I started to create a life that I didn’t need a vacation from! This gives me the credibility to help you create a #HappyLife.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #394-397: Musial, Hall, Gospe, Peralta w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.