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What is man’s purpose on earth?

Why are we here?

Well, according to The Westminster Confession, the purpose of man on earth is number one: to glorify God, and number two: to enjoy Him forever.

Are you enjoying your time on earth with God?

I want to tell you, for me, it is probably the most exciting time of my life because things have changed like never ever before since the resurrection of Christ.

And things will never be the same again - and I am very happy about that.

I am looking forward to what The Lord has in store for us.

That is why I love to be around young people.

Young people have got a vision.

Young people are going somewhere and young people want the truth.

Oh my dear friend, if we look at Mark, Chapter 12 and verse 30, this is what Jesus said,

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

And then He goes on to say, “ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

I want to say to you today, if you are feeling a bit down, maybe you need to phone your neighbor.

Maybe you need to find out how somebody else is doing because you know what it does?

It lifts you up.

Kathryn Kuhlman was used by God in a mighty healing ministry and she saw many, many miracles and yet she said, “If you are feeling sick, go and find somebody who is more sick than you and pray for

them and you will find out that you are a lot better after doing that.”

Do you know that, yesterday afternoon, my son came to me and said, “Dad, have you got a few minutes?”

I said, “Yes.”

He said, “I just want to take you round the farm and I want to show you the cattle.”

Now you know, I have always been the one who has driven the pick-up but now I sit in the passenger seat and my son drives the pick-up.

And he showed me his cattle.

He showed me his plans.

He showed me his expectations, what he is wanting to do with the farm regarding the future and then he showed me some beautiful horses that he is breeding.

And when I came back, I said to my wife, Jill, “I am feeling so much better today because I am getting involved in what someone else, who happens to be my son, is doing.

So remember, what is man’s purpose on earth?

Well, number one - it is to glorify God, to obey the Ten Commandments.

They were put there for your purpose and for my purpose, not for God’s purpose.

And then secondly, to enjoy Him forever.

Get involved with somebody else’s vision.

Pray for them, love them, help them and your life will be so much sweeter.