Previous Episode: Why Are We Here?

I am not talking about the international sports stars or celebrities or politicians or even preachers.

I am talking about the real heroes;

I am talking about the car guard;

I am talking about the baker who has been up hours ago, baking bread for you today;

I am talking about the butcher who is in his butchery cutting up meat. He is struggling to get supplies but he is carrying on for you and for me;

I am talking about the traffic officer who is trying to control the Coronavirus by telling people to wear masks;

I am talking about that nurse who gets up every morning and puts her life at risk to save the lives of old people.

I am talking about the real heroes that you and I never actually meet or see, the “whosoever’s”.

Romans Chapter 10 - the Book of Romans Chapter 10 and verse 13:

“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

I am asking you this morning to call upon the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ and He will save you. He will rescue you.

He will reward you, not only here on earth but especially when we go home to be with Him in glory forever.

And of course, Romans Chapter 10, verse 11 says:

“Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”

He will never disappoint you.

Maybe one of your loved ones has disappointed you.

They have turned their back on The Lord, maybe they have turned their back on their marriage, maybe they have thrown the towel in and they are no longer studying and you feel so disappointed.

The Lord says whoever believes on Him shall not be put to shame.

You know, I remember two heroes that used to live on this farm.

That is right, two old ladies.

One was Peggy O’Neal and the other one was Moira Matheson.

Peggy O’Neal, on her seventieth birthday stood up in front of her whole family and said, “I am going full-time for Jesus!”

And she came and lived on the farm with us and Moira Matheson - the two of them, used to go with me whenever I went on a preaching campaign, and they would sit quietly at the back.

No-one saw them and they would pray quietly.

And often people would come and say, “Wasn’t it amazing to see those miracles, how those people got healed, how those people came to Christ?”, and of course it had nothing to do with me.

It was those two heroes who were sitting quietly at the back of the car and praying while I was on the platform preaching the gospel.

I really want to encourage you today.

Don’t be disheartened.

People might not see what you are doing but The Lord sees what you are doing and He will reward you on that great day.