Previous Episode: Walk The Road Of Faith
Next Episode: Concentrate On Christ

Habakkuk Chapter 3 and verses 17 and 18.

“Though the fig tree may not blossom nor fruit be on the vines;
though the labour of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls - Yet I will rejoice in The Lord.
I will joy in the God of my salvation”.

My dear friend as we face this weekend, we are in full lockdown, not just in South Africa but indeed right throughout the world.

This is your time to exercise your spiritual relationship with The Living God, The Lord Jesus Christ.

You really need to start to praise His Name.

As a farmer and having been through many droughts, many floods, many diseases amongst our crops and our cattle, we understand the principle of walking by faith and not by sight.

Today, I want to encourage you to thank God for so many things; first of all that your family is together probably for the first time in some years; for the fact that you can spend long times in prayer and scripture reading and building up the spiritual man; the fact that you can spend time waiting upon The Lord.

“Those who wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
They shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah Chapter 30 verse 41.

Let us prepare ourselves for the great and soon coming revival that will spread throughout the earth.