Like never before in the history of the world, the Christian has an opportunity to stand up for Jesus Christ.
Oh my dear friend, concentrate on The Lord Jesus Christ and not on the Corona Virus.
If we look at the Word of God in John Chapter 15 and two verses, verse 12 and verse 13.
Verse 12:
This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” 
How much has Jesus loved you, my dear friend? Well, verse 13 tells us:
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”.
The greatest thing I could ever give for you is my life and I want to say to you today, we need to live for each other.
I remember the Westminster Confession saying that the purpose of man is, Number 1: to glorify God and other and not to be so concerned about self-preservation, that we forget the ultimate reason for us being on earth. Number 2: to enjoy Him forever.
I think like never before since being a Christian, I am enjoying the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in my life.
I remember many years ago, hearing a legend that went like this:

John, who was the last disciple to be living, once was asked when he was brought into a gathering, probably a small bible study on a stretcher. He was sold, he could not walk and he was always saying to the believers, “Little children, love one another”, and they would say with tears in their eyes as they saw this grand old saint, “Why do you always say that John?” And then his eyes would fill with tears and he would say, “Because that is what The Saviour used to say.”
So my dear friend, today, as you go about your daily chores, love one another, be patient with one another, be tolerant of one another, have compassion with one another.