Previous Episode: This Far Devil And No Further
Next Episode: Today, Love One Another

If we look at the Word of God in the Book of Leviticus, in the Old Testament, Chapter 6 and verse 13, The Lord says a fire shall always be burning on the altar. It shall never go out.
I want to encourage you today my dear friend to keep the fires burning.
How do you keep a fire burning? Well, you have to stoke it every day.
You have to stoke it with wood and coal.
Now we know if you have lived in the Northern Hemisphere in the middle of winter, you don’t let the fire go out otherwise you will freeze to death.
If we go to Philippians Chapter 1 and verse 6, The Lord says:
“being confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”.
We have got to finish this race my dear friend. It’s not about starting well. It is about finishing the race and as I sit here in my prayer room early this morning, I am thinking about the Comrades Marathon.
You know, when the race starts, all the family is there, all the friends, the trumpets are blowing, people are happy, they are excited, and then the race commences.
The most dangerous place, because the place where people often give up is right in the middle of the race, a place called Harrisons Flats. There is nobody there. It is undulating. It’s uninteresting. It’s flat - nothing is happening and that is a place where many runners say, “That’s enough! I cannot go on any further”.
The end of the race of course, when we see the finish line, is very easy to complete because everybody is shouting for you to keep going but we need to stoke the fire today.
Keep stoking the fire. You say, “With what Angus?”
With God’s Holy Word, with times of prayer, with encouraging one another, with completing the race.
As an old farmer, I can tell you, many is the time that I have planted a crop of maize and then it started so well and then the rains tapered off and the temptation is there to hitch up the discs on the back of that tractor and disc in the crop because it looks so terrible. But we don’t do that. We press on, we tend the crop. We keep it free of weeds, we make sure we fertilise it properly and as always, God is faithful and the rain comes and often that crop turns out to be the best crop of maize we have ever planted.
The Lord says, keep the fire burning because He is with us and He will never leave us and He will never forsake us.