Previous Episode: We Need To Obey The Law
Next Episode: A Good Testimony

If we go to the Word of God in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 6 and verse 41, this is what the word says:

“And why do you look at the speck in your brothers eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?”

You know, with this lockdown situation, all of us are being really challenged, especially in the home situation because we are together whether we like it or not and the tendency always is to go out and try and sort out somebody else’s problems when back at the ranch, as they say, the wheels are coming off.

We have got to deal with our own situations first before we can help others.

Relationships between mom and dad, husband and wife, between children and parents, are absolutely critical at this time.

A lot of parents are trying to homeschool their children.

A lot of grown-ups are trying to earn a living from home-base and it is very taxing to say the least but we have got to deal with that if we are going to be able to help others.

You know, I remember that beautiful song from way back, “He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother.”

Apparently, the songwriter was walking down the street one night.

I think it was in the East End of London somewhere.

It was a cold rainy night and he saw a little boy, carrying his brother on his back.

It was a cobbled street. You can imagine. It was cold and rainy.

And this big man walked up to this little boy and he said to him, “Son, can I help you?”

And the little boy looked up. He probably had a dirty face, with a cockney accent, and he said, “No so. He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother.”

And you know, it brings a tear to my eye, just sharing this with you.

You see, when you are looking after your loved ones, it must never be a problem to you.

God gave you to each other. You must carry each other’s burdens before you try and carry other people’s burdens.

He ain't heavy. He’s my brother.

May God bless you as you work at the situation at home base.

And with the help of God, that plank will be taken out of your eye so that you can help your brother by taking the speck out of his eye.