Dr. Kate Diomede, social media editor at Thorax, is joined by Prof. Nick Hopkinson(1) to delve into the history of smoking policy in the UK, as well as detailing the lay of the land in current smoking-cessation practices, especially pertaining to vaping.

Hear the previous discussion with Prof. Andrew Bush on recent developments in paediatric therapy: https://on.soundcloud.com/PY9Nz

(1) Prof. of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London,
Respiratory Consultant, Royal Brompton Hospital,
Associate Editor of Thorax,
Chair of ASH (Action on Smoking in Health) UK Charity

Relevant papers and references:

Millennium cohort – child smoking uptake related to parents and peers smoking https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30442657/

Confirming the impact of standardised packaging

Effectiveness of ban on smoking in cars with children

Smoking and increased risk from COVID

Javed Khan’s independent report commissioned by UK Govt: Making Smoking Obsolete

Cochrane systematic review suggests vaping is more effective for smoking cessation than NRT

Recent evidence update on risk of vaping for OHID concludes, “vaping poses only a small fraction of the risks of smoking.”

NICE guidance on nicotine vapes to help smokers quit https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng209/chapter/recommendations-on-treating-tobacco-dependence#stop-smoking-interventions

British Thoracic Society guidance on tobacco harm reduction

National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training

Cigarette Smoking: An Assessment of Tobacco's Global Environmental Footprint Across Its Entire Supply Chain

ASH: Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among young people in Great Britain

Competing interests: None declared.

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