This Strange Life Podcast Hangout #5 08/06/2018

BBC Pidgin English
As usual the boys stumble their way through a range of topics, whilst giving us a dash of wit and big-boy gulp of ignorance. Is the BBC Pidgin site actually the world's best bit of politically-correct trolling? Who reads the site, and why? To say BBC Pidgin is written in vernacular terms is understatement, but the boys try to read the Pidgin articles without trying to culturally appropriate or sound racist. Who really reads this site, and why? Or is this just another part of marxist dogma (aka conspiracy theory) to continue to socially engineer and divide us? 

Rosanne's Valerie Jarrett Tweet
Pidgin neatly segways to Rosanne's tweet that compared former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett to Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes. Was she racist or was it really Ambien? Even Ambien came out to say that racism is not one of the laundry-list of side-effects. But why did she lose her job but Samantha Bee didn't? Could this be another example of left-right double standards?

LA Times Reports Racism & Stigma to Blame for Rise in STDs
In a previous article, the LA Times reported that knowingly infecting someone with HIV or an STD was dropped from a felony to misdemeanour. Fast-forward a few months and LA Times shrouds this legal ruling in a conspiracy theory cloak by telling us that it's likely that rises are due to racism. The LA Times tells us that inadequate access to healthcare by certain sections of society are driving syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV infections up. Truth or conspiracy theory?

Quick Takes

Quick Take 1: Willy's Trip to Laos
Willy describes his recent trip to Vientienne (capital of Laos) where he was enchanted by the slower-paced, more traditional lifestyle of the Laotians. He gave us his perfect afternoon: chilling by the pool and reading a good book, namely Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.

Quick Take 2: Willy's Sapiens Progress
Willy reads us a passage from Sapiens and we discuss it: “One of history’s few iron laws is that luxuries tend to become necessities and to spawn new obligations.”

Quick Take 3: Falling Asleep 
Mickey describes how his pre-sleep/ sleep routine which opens up a discussion on sleep hygiene.

Quick Take 4: Photo's of Dead Bodies
Why are we naturally drawn to photo's of dead bodies? Is this some Darwinian gene that pushes us to look so we can avoid a similar death? Or is this just the boys' conspiracy theory gene going into overdrive?

Quick Take 5: Wooden Royal Babies
Mickey is adamant wooden royal babies still have their place today in royal society, after first being used in Victorian times to replace royal children that died. But surely he's just throwing another conspiracy-theory monkey-wrench into the works? Are these wooden babies still being rolled-out when royal baby photo opportunities come around today?

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