Anthony Bourdain Suicide -- RIP Tony! 
The boys discuss the Anthony Bourdain suicide and reminisce on his addictions, zest for life, family and his philosophies. Why did Anthony Bourdain commit suicide? Did he leave a note? Are we going to find out or is this going to be another unsolved mystery? Or could more sinister elements be at play and Anthony Bourdain's suicide grows into another one of the celebrity suicide conspiracy theories, especially given his partners' alleged rape by Harvey Weinstein? Allegedly, Anthony Bourdain was unlikely to reconcile his relationship as he was going through the final stages of a divorce with estranged wife Ottavia Busia. He said he would never marry again. The boys also discuss his previous heroin addiction and how he overcame the dark forces and rebuilt himself. Jimmy reads us some poignant Anthony Bourdain quotes about his personal philosophy, his body and his perspectives on food and people. The boys open things up to a more general discussion on suicide rates amongst men and teenagers and also discuss mental health issues. RIP Anthony Bourdain....

Cockroach Milk Superfood
Mickey continues his health-quest by telling us about a new superfood -- cockroach milk! Apparently, cockroach milk is four times more nutritious as cow's milk and the researchers think it could be the key to feeding our growing population in the future. Truth or conspiracy theory? The fact that an insect produces milk is pretty fascinating – but what fascinated researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein crystals contains more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than regular cow's milk).

World Cup Kick-off in Russia
Who's gonna win the World Cup? And how many supporters will die at the hands of the KGB-trained Russian hooligans? Willy asks why English fans seem to enjoy World Cup failures and misery. Mickey and Willy give us their takes, but for some reason didn't get to discussing winners or runners-up. Beware England are the target of the Russian hooligans.

European Travel
Willy reminisces about his first legal pint in London, and how he travelled around Europe when he was but a wee 18-year old lad. Mickey gives Willy an insight into European culture when it comes to travel and what the average teenage holiday looks like -- sun, booze, drugs, and women.

Ms. America 
No bikinis? No evening gowns? C'mon Ms. America! Why has Ms. America changed their format to become a competition as opposed to a pageant? Jimmy thinks it's a great example of post-modernists breaking down and reconstructing an institution. Jimmy goes into conspiracy theory mode when he makes a bold prediction: Ms. America is laying the ground for the first man to win the competition, whether it be a pre/post-op tranny or just a normal guy.
