In 1992 the book Men are From Mars Women are from Venus was published, it quickly became a best seller and it’s title became a catch phrase to describe why there is a fundamental language barrier between the sexes - because we hail from different planets. And It’s a load of horse shit.  In fact, it’s been scientifically proven that men and women communicate in almost exactly the same way, with studies showing that the difference between the way men and women communicate amounts to one tenth of one standard deviation, which is statistician speak for negligible - as in too small to measure, literally no difference. These perceived differences from books like Mars/Venus have led us to network in completely different ways from each other. And men - you are doing it better than women in a number of different ways. 

Listen in to better understand the 7 ways that men are networking better than women. 

The Cocktail of the Week with golf season right around the corner is the John Daly! Bring on the 19th hole shenanigans.


●  1.5 oz vodka

●  2 oz iced tea

●  2 oz lemonade

Fill a large highball glass with ice, add vodka, tea, and lemonade, gently stir, garnish with a lemon slice.

This interview and its contents are sponsored by Nickerson, a full-service branding, marketing, and PR and communications agency with team members in Boston, LA, Miami, and NYC.

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Julie Brown:




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