Do you know why some of the best ideas come to you when you are on the shower or on your morning run? Or why sometimes, the solutions to your most unsettling problems seemingly come out of the blue, when you aren’t even thinking about it? This is because when your brain is not concentrating deeply on something, it is free to roam about and come up with it’s best ideas.

Distractions are not necessarily bad, they can actually be much needed. Harvard University researcher and psychologist Shelley H. Carson, also the author of “Your Creative Brain” says that our “Aha!” or “Eureka!” moments happen when we are least expecting them, that is, when we allow ourselves to be distracted.

The 3 benefits of distraction, as Carson explains are:

Distractions foster creativityDistractions can deliver solutionsDistractions improve your mood

In March, as the pandemic took over the world, I was forced to focus on so many things, like staying healthy with the virus looming large, getting my book published, pivoting to giving all my speeches online, starting my podcast, staying updated on matters regarding the Presidential elections and a ton of other stuff that needed all my energy! 

I was desperately in need of a distraction, because distractions were completely absent in my life. So yes, I am telling you that distractions are a positive thing.

Music, books, puzzles, podcasts and cooking are all comfortable distractions that can help you relax and be in the moment while also helping you escape anxiety and stress at the most disturbing times. I have suffered from heavy anxiety issues throughout my adult life. When I was 25, and suffering from anxiety and stress, my doctor suggested that I treat myself to a weekly massage and start reading the “Harry Potter” books. (The massage part was perhaps because I had also started to lose my hair because of the stress). Though it seemed wild and funny then, it really helped. Books transported me to another world each time I navigated through the pages, and narrowed my thinking into comfortable corners. Fun, positive distractions can provide escapes and help enhance your life as well.

While at restaurants, I absolutely love getting distracted by new dishes and often find myself wondering if I can recreate the dishes in my own kitchen, and then I get lost in the activity of trying to replicate a special meal or treat.

I completely support distractions and hopefully these 11 minutes will become your happy distraction today!

The Drink of the Week is homemade Hot-Chocolate with Homemade Bourbon Marshmallows! 

I’ve included the recipes for both so that you can get lost in a good cuppa hot chocolate tonight!

If you like this episode, please do remember to like, review and subscribe to the show.

And if you would like to donate to the ever growing podcast bar tab click HERE!to leave a tip!

Drink of the Week: Homemade Hot Chocolate

½ C sugar

¼ C Cocoa Powder

4 Cups Milk (I use Oat Milk)

¾ tsp vanilla extract

⅓ C hot Water

Dash Salt

Mix sugar, cocoa powder and salt in a medium saucepan; stir in water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly; boil and stir 2 minutes.

Add milk; stir and heat until hot. Remove from heat and add vanilla (or whatever other flavored extract you like). Beat with a whisk until foamy.

Pour into mug and top with Homemade Bourbon Marshmallows

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This Shit Works - MY BOOK!

Do you know why some of the best ideas come to you when you are on the shower or on your morning run? Or why sometimes, the solutions to your most unsettling problems seemingly come out of the blue, when you aren’t even thinking about it? This is because when your brain is not concentrating deeply on something, it is free to roam about and come up with it’s best ideas.

Distractions are not necessarily bad, they can actually be much needed. Harvard University researcher and psychologist Shelley H. Carson, also the author of “Your Creative Brain” says that our “Aha!” or “Eureka!” moments happen when we are least expecting them, that is, when we allow ourselves to be distracted.

The 3 benefits of distraction, as Carson explains are:

Distractions foster creativityDistractions can deliver solutionsDistractions improve your mood

In March, as the pandemic took over the world, I was forced to focus on so many things, like staying healthy with the virus looming large, getting my book published, pivoting to giving all my speeches online, starting my podcast, staying updated on matters regarding the Presidential elections and a ton of other stuff that needed all my energy! 

I was desperately in need of a distraction, because distractions were completely absent in my life. So yes, I am telling you that distractions are a positive thing.

Music, books, puzzles, podcasts and cooking are all comfortable distractions that can help you relax and be in the moment while also helping you escape anxiety and stress at the most disturbing times. I have suffered from heavy anxiety issues throughout my adult life. When I was 25, and suffering from anxiety and stress, my doctor suggested that I treat myself to a weekly massage and start reading the “Harry Potter” books. (The massage part was perhaps because I had also started to lose my hair because of the stress). Though it seemed wild and funny then, it really helped. Books transported me to another world each time I navigated through the pages, and narrowed my thinking into comfortable corners. Fun, positive distractions can provide escapes and help enhance your life as well.

While at restaurants, I absolutely love getting distracted by new dishes and often find myself wondering if I can recreate the dishes in my own kitchen, and then I get lost in the activity of trying to replicate a special meal or treat.

I completely support distractions and hopefully these 11 minutes will become your happy distraction today!

The Drink of the Week is homemade Hot-Chocolate with Homemade Bourbon Marshmallows! 

I’ve included the recipes for both so that you can get lost in a good cuppa hot chocolate tonight!

If you like this episode, please do remember to like, review and subscribe to the show.

And if you would like to donate to the ever growing podcast bar tab click HERE!to leave a tip!

Drink of the Week: Homemade Hot Chocolate

½ C sugar

¼ C Cocoa Powder

4 Cups Milk (I use Oat Milk)

¾ tsp vanilla extract

⅓ C hot Water

Dash Salt

Mix sugar, cocoa powder and salt in a medium saucepan; stir in water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly; boil and stir 2 minutes.

Add milk; stir and heat until hot. Remove from heat and add vanilla (or whatever other flavored extract you like). Beat with a whisk until foamy.

Pour into mug and top with Homemade Bourbon Marshmallows

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This Shit Works - MY BOOK!






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