Conferences work if you know how to work them and can be an important part of your business development strategy. But, what are we to do now that the in person aspect of conferences are gone? No chances to serendipitously meet someone in a session, no booths to entice people into by handing out shitty tchotchkes at, no hotel bar to saddle up to, throw back a few drinks at and make new friends, no after parties, no after, after parties? None of it. 

Virtual conferences do not have to suck. They can still be a wildly effective networking and business development tool, even when they are virtual.

5 Tips For Getting the Most Out Of Your Next Virtual Conference

Organize Your Conference Schedule in AdvanceFamiliarize Yourself With The Conference TechnologyBe Fully Present During the ConferenceBe An Active Participant and NetworkerFollow Up

Bonus Tip: Email the conference organizers after the event and thank them for putting together and organizing the conference.

Drink of the Week: Campfire Sling

2 oz. rye whiskey

¼ oz. pure maple syrup

3 dashes chocolate bitters

Garnish: flamed orange twist

Combine all ingredients in an Old Fashioned glass with a large piece of ice, stir and garnish.

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