As Americans we are taught that we all have certain unalienable rights. Written right there in the pages of our Declaration of Independence is that we have​ the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.​ Something about that line has always gotten me thinking. And it’s the word pursuit. You know why?

Because I think of that word as having movement.

The word pursuit, which means an effort to secure or attain, appears to me to be an ongoing effort, something which may slip through our fingers if we don’t keep working on it. So if happiness or the pursuit thereof, is one of our unalienable rights, how are we doing with it, after some 200 years after the writing of that line?

Well, research suggests that we aren't doing so great. A new NORC poll drawing on trends from the long running General Social Survey finds Americans are less likely to call themselves very happy than at any point since that survey began back in 1972. If you think it’s because of the global pandemic you're both wrong and right: Research suggests that we've been unhappy for a while now. In March 2019, a full year before there was even a hint of an upcoming pandemic, The World Happiness Report, which is released to coincide with the United Nations International happiness day, stated that Americans are as unhappy as they've been in years. For the third straight year in a row, the US has dropped in the happiness rankings.

So, how do we right this ship? How do we Bobby McFerrin our lives and ‘Don’t worry, be happy’?

Lucky for you, our guest today knows all about finding happiness. Tune in to the episode as I’m joined by Pam Garramone, a Certified Positive Psychology Speaker and Life Coach teaching the Science of Happiness to anyone who wants to learn how to be happier. Pam talks all about Positive Psychology, her wonderful journey researching happiness and shares with us her 4 happiness boosters that we can start to use to be happier every day. Here’s a preview - your social connections are one of the number one happiness boosters you have!

And to all those who say over and over again, “I’ll be happy when”....., you’re gonna find your answers today too! Let’s welcome a happier and nicer 2021.

Drink of the Week​ 

​Four Graces Pinot Noir.​ ​Pam’s favorite drink is the Pinot Noir, and that brought me to choose this one for the episode​!

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Relevant Links:

Pam Garramone: 




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