Have you felt stuck lately? Are you looking for inspiration and motivation to make your next move? Dr. Carol Parker Walsh has experienced it all from being a corporate attorney, to higher education administrator, and now as her own boss. On this episode of This Prof Life, Dr. Parker Walsh shares her journey of being authentically true to herself and living out her values, through autonomy and creativity. 

She shares ways to get unstuck from indecision along with some very important pieces of advice:

Do an internal audit - ask what else can I do?  Make sure you decide how you want to work and show up - what legacy do you want to leave?  Start building a bridge  - see the vision of where you want to go next. 

Listen in to hear more personal lessons and takeaways from this dynamic executive coach, brand strategist and leader. 

I definitely left inspired by the conversation! 

Find her here: https://www.carolparkerwalsh.com/

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