To wrap up 2018 and this season of This Photo Life, I field your questions on photography as well as being Andy. We discuss all sorts of topics from inspiration on composition to why my dog is so damn awesome.

Back in March (or maybe April) 2019 with new episodes, hope you enjoyed this edition and huuuuuge thanks to you and my awesome guests for dropping by! :) 


Andy’s website: , @andymcphoto on Instagram

Photo Tour Brugge:
Use the promo code “thisphotolife” on checkout for -15%.

DJ Biaz:

Inspiration on composition

Ibarionex Pirello on Youtube:

Valerie Jardin:

Jay Maisel :

David DuChemin :


Musicians who are photographers

Bryan Adams photography:

Nikki Stixx photography:

Moby photography:

Julian Lennon photography: