I chat with Pieter Claerhout of Jono Fotografie about his purposely part time work as a family portrait photographer next to his full time work as Chief Technology Officer of Twixl Media.

We discuss the process of how he and his wife bring smiles to families (usually in a bulk season around communions), the importance of his own family and why he's not rushing into taking photos full time, and (with him being a tech head supremo) also getting into his process after the shoot and backing up files and so forth.

Pieter's website: https://www.jono-fotografie.be/

Pieter's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pclaerhout/

Andy’s website: www.andymcsweeney.com , @andymcphoto on Instagram

Photo Tour Brugge: www.phototourbrugge.com
Use the promo code “thisphotolife” on checkout for -15%.

DJ Biaz: www.soundcloud.com/biaz