We reach out waaaay over to Australia for our guest this week, Matty Houlder to share his advice after setting up his wedding photography business in the last year!

Matty and I had a superb chat about how he works a wedding from front to end, the gear (Nikon) comes up for sure but certainly a focus on his mindset of looking after his people with care before they even meet.

Part 1 of 2, there's a lot to get through here and nice one Matty for the generous sharing!


Matty's website: matthewallenphotography.com.au/

Matthew Allen Photography on Instagram: @matthew_allen_photography/

Andy's website: www.andymcsweeney.com , @andymcphoto on Instagram & twitter

Photo Tour Brugge: www.phototourbrugge.com 
Use the promo code "thisphotolife" on checkout for -15%.

DJ Biaz: www.soundcloud.com/biaz