This episode we have another special guest on the show: acclaimed French street photographer, host of the "Hit The Streets" podcast, and regular instructor Valerie Jardin and superb to have a chat!

We discuss Valerie starting her career as a commercial photographer in her adopted home in America and then leaving it all behind to shoot (and share) her own interests and passions on the camera.

We also chat Fujifilm a bit (not just because she's a Fujifilm X-ambassador either haha) as well as another range of topics, inspiration for us all.

Valerie's website:

Hit the Street with Valerie Jardin Podcast:

Valerie Jardin on Instagram: @valeriejardin

Andy's website: , @andymcphoto on Instagram & twitter

Photo Tour Brugge: 
Use the promo code "thisphotolife" on checkout for -15%.

DJ Biaz: