In this episode of #ThisOldMarketing, Joe and Robert talk about the 22-word statement from the creators of AI. Simply put, we are in big trouble.

WPP launches a content engine with Nvidia that will make the production of ads quicker and easier because of AI. I know...everything we always wanted.

Elon continues to push Twitter over the edge, including a big middle-finger to the EU's Disinformation Code of Practice, and the formal outsourcing of their ad unit.

And finally, does purpose-driven content have a place with "everybody" brands today?

Rants and raves include a fan moment at the Indy 500 and the hope that Peloton has righted the ship.

This week's links:

AI Could Destroy Humanity

WPP Building AI Content Engine

Elon Drops Moderation

Twitter Outsources Ads

Twitter Worth One-Third Less

Purpose-Driven Marketing

Peloton's New Brand Move

Indy 500 Champ Goes Fans First


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