Have you ever stopped to think about your privilege? In this podcast, Whitney reflects on Juneteenth and how she has experienced different treatment and access than others who don't have white skin. She ponders how access to healthcare and wellness are not accessible to all. Whitney's message is a call to action for the listeners to continue to educate themselves and engage in conversations around systemic oppression. Join the conversation and explore different aspects of being human without a focus on external metrics.


cnn.com quiz on Juneteenth: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/06/us/cnn-5-things-juneteenth-quiz-june-15-sec/Saving Time by Jenny Odell: https://bookshop.org/a/17878/9780593242704How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell: https://bookshop.org/a/17878/9781612198552Do Nothing by Celeste Headlee: https://bookshop.org/a/17878/9781984824752Celeste Headlee on This Might Get Uncomfortable: https://podcast.wellevatr.com/the-do-nothing-revolution-relief-happiness-and-overarching-goals-with-celeste-headlee

Tune into the live episodes, broadcasting live on Beyond Measure every week: https://podcast.wellevatr.com/beyond-measure