There is much to be said about connecting with people who are going through trauma. Not only do we help them in the process, we also transform our lives with their stories. Today's guest is passionate about doing this. Whitney Lauritsen sits down with David Richman to talk about how we can form deeper connections with ourselves and those in our lives. David shares his transformational journey from an overweight, sedentary smoker to an endurance athlete who completed nearly 20 Ironmans, many 50+ miles runs, and a solo 5,000-mile bike ride. His latest book, Cycle of Lives, explores 15 people's emotional journeys with cancer and the various traumas in their lives. Their stories are interwoven amongst the narrative of David's solo bike ride to meet the book participants whom he had been interviewing for a few years. Tune in to learn the importance of connecting with others, taking a deep look at yourself, and applying big lessons to your life. Plus, find out the three-step process to make a transformation. Peel away the layers and get to the essence of who you are through this heart-centered conversation.

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