Justifiably or not, vegans have often been accused of being pushy, overly zealous or simply assholes. Vegans may tend to be very passionate about what they stand for, but the phrase “friendly vegan” is hardly an oxymoron. In fact, there is good cause to look at it as something that we all should strive for if we want to effectively spread the message of vegan living. Return guests, Toni Okamoto and Michelle Cehn share some of their work in this space with Jason Wrobel and Toni Lauritsen. Through The Friendly Vegan Cookbook, these two rockstar vegan ladies are bringing vegans and omnivores alike through a shared message and a shared passion for good food. After all, good food is good food, right? Wouldn’t it be a much better to make it a rallying point for vegan lifestyle rather than have this constant urge to shame those who are not yet up for it?

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