We are all striving for happiness; so much so that it seems society puts this pressure on us to find and embody it. We are bombarded with these images of what a happy life looks like that makes us ask: are we failing at happiness? Well, what if we tell you that we can get past that and go beyond happiness? In today’s episode, Whitney Lauritsen interviews Dr. Jennifer Guttman who, with her book, Beyond Happiness: The 6 Secrets of Lifetime Satisfaction, shares mindset shifts and tools for a satisfied life. Embark on a satisfaction revolution as we dive into the nuanced realm of contentment versus happiness. Explore the intricacies of dopamine, sustainable satisfaction, and identifying what lies within your control.

Dr. Gutman takes us into a world of beneficial conversations, dissecting what's absent in social media, and discovering the middle path between extremes. She helps us break free from addictive patterns, provides recommendations for achieving social media balance, and explores the contrasting realms of anxiety and calm. Uncover the satisfying allure of certain dopamine hits and the benefits of experiences that have a defined end. We then journey into the realms of self-image, confidence, and the pitfalls of people-pleasing and combatting that.

Also, we explore the dynamics of ambition, the delicate balance between comfort zones and discomfort, and the secrets to sleep satisfaction through sleep hygiene tips and natural remedies like melatonin. Finally, gain insights into balancing social media in both personal and professional spheres. Join us on this holistic exploration of satisfaction, offering practical tips and transformative perspectives for a more fulfilled life.

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