Aviva Chomsky brilliantly explains the history of illegality in the United States in her book, "Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal" published in 2014.  She explains the racial and political context of the concept of illegal immigration as well as explaining how large agricultural companies use immigration laws to maintain a highly profitable slave wage work force that has no rights when exploited.  


A little about Aviva Chomsky:


"Much of my scholarly work can be traced back to the year I spent working for the United Farm Workers union back in 1976-77. I credit that experience with sparking my interest in the Spanish language, in migrant workers and immigration, in labor history, in social movements and labor organizing, in multinationals and their workers, in how global economic forces affect individuals, and how people collectively organize for social change."


To purchase Aviva Chomsky's books, click the link below:



A great review of Undocumented: 





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