I once wrote that Black Americans are involved in an intriguing experiment to see if an oppressed minority can continue to march forward if there is not a strong and vibrant left-wing and radical movement. That's not an experiment I would recommend, although the story is still unfolding and we will see how it unfolds, but they are not the sort of conditions in which an oppressed minority should have to struggle.

-Gerald Horne


In this time of massive uprisings not just all over the country, but all over the world, we're seeing people demand for a defunding of law enforcement, and a push for real systemic change at the way we actually viewing policing.  I was lucky enough to land a big influence of mine, professor and author Gerald Horne on to discuss where the left is in it's current state.  Professor Horne documented the deep rooted systemic causes of the of those riots in 1965 and their political ripple effect.  We discussed the opptimism of the current movement, but also the slight pessimism that exists in these moments as well.    


A little about Professor Horne:


Horne has also produced broad canvas chronicles of infrequently examined periods and aspects of the history of white supremacy and imperialism such as the post-civil war involvement of the US ruling class—newly dispossessed of human chattels—with slavery in Brazil, which was not legally abolished until 1888, or the attempts by Japanese imperialists in the mid-20th century to appear as the leaders of a global war against white supremacy, thus allies and instruments of "liberation" for people of color oppressed by imperialism.

Manning Marable has said: "Gerald Horne is one of the most gifted and insightful historians on racial matters of his generation."( From NYU Press)


Find Professor Horne's most recent book here:



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