To say there is a lot of passion in our community is an understatement. When it comes to igniting the flame of passion there is no one better to feature than Jesse James. As Editorial Director at Orlando’s Falcons Creative Group (see This Is Orlando Episode 16) he helps steer their creative vision. Known for there immersive interactive experiences (check out the link, you will be glad you did), this alone would content mere mortals. Not Jesse, you will find him involved in projects using all media, audio, visual, interactive. Basically his passion is for telling stories and he is not reluctant to use whatever medium helps him accomplish this task.

In addition to being one of the nicest guys you will meet he is always looking to collaborate and expand his vision so be sure to hit him up at the links below or find him on Linkedin. I want to thank him for taking the time out of his crazy schedule to share some thoughts and work with us.

For a closer look at some of Jesse’s work be sure to check out his Vimeo and Youtube channels. Audio versions of the podcast can be found here or your favorite podcast app. The video version is here or on my Youtube channel. Thanks Carlos for dealing with some challenging audio issues on this and for sprucing up the video. You continue to amaze me brother.

He’s The Man!