I recently had the pleasure of meeting an incredible and passionate voice in the Career Services field right here in Orlando a few weeks back. Justin Nguyen graduated from UCF in 2018 with a degree in finance. While working his way through school he quickly realized that an education was only a part of what he needed to succeed once in the real world. His instincts told him that his professional skills and network were just as important. He watch his fellow students struggle in the areas and started offering advice to them through the hashtag #getchogrindup. From small things big things one day come!

GetchoGrindUp has catapulted into a huge movement among current and recent college graduates. It has spawned the podcast and the newsletter. His linkedin posts average over 200,000 views each month. He is currently working on a new ways to present job fairs and is making some huge waves advancing and disrupting an industry and making it the go to place for the next generation college students.

Everything you need to follow, listen and subscribe is available at his Linkedin page here. For a more complete overview of Justin and GetChoGrindUp be sure to check out the podcast and be sure to drop Justin a line and say hello.

I hope everyone is hanging in there during this difficult time. I try to remain positive and stay busy. If anyone needs a chat or anything at all you know where to find me. Thanks as always to the man behind the curtain Carlos Ivan. Check out some of his work at the link below.