Hello Friends,

Today I am re-releasing three conversations that I had two years ago with my daughter, Izzy. We recorded these conversations as a mini-podcast and released them on the Instagram account for my business Grace & Grit. However, I thought they were timely for this podcast.

While attempting to raise a strong, confident daughter, I wanted to know three things from Z:

What was something I got wrong? What did she need from me that I failed to give her?
What did I get right? What was the thing that I instilled in her that was most helpful?
In general, what do parents of girls need to keep in mind when raising strong confident daughters?

I think these conversations are important as we raise the next generation of feminists. When we can cross generational lines we become stronger advocates for one another. These talks keep us wise and grounded as we further the reach of feminism.

Parents of littles, there will come a time when you look at your kids and think, who is this inspiring adult? How did I get so lucky? This convo is an example of how Z impresses me. I love the way she calls me to the carpet. These are important moments in the relationships of parent and child.

As you listen, these conversations were released individually, please keep in mind these separate convos have been edited together for Stark Conversations.

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