Hello Friends,

 Welcome back! This episode is Part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Martha Rampton. Today we are talking about waves 3 and 4 of Feminism. In particular, we discuss how the 3rd wave deconstructed the words slut and whore while reclaiming feminine sexuality and beauty which significantly contrasts with the 2nd wave. 

We ponder the beginning of the 4th wave. Did it start because of politics, or was it already brewing and the political heat of 2016 galvanized the movement? We also discuss how 4th wave feminists have a "come as you are" and "you do you" mindset.

Dr. Rampton turns the tables on me. She asks about my involvement with feminism. We discuss how I found it and where I land in the movement. We even dive into my struggles with beauty culture. YIKES!

Stay tuned, friends. This episode is a historical and philosophical conversation all rolled into one!