This is our last Beauty Conversations and, of course, we saved the best for last. In this episode, we discuss fashion, clothing sizes, and our bodies. Then at the end, I interview my sweet niece Maggie, who, although eight years old, maybe the wisest of us all! There is a trigger warning. This may not be the episode for you if you have body concerns or issues. Here are some time codes for you to tune into:

16:48: Bops and I get very real about the negative thoughts that circle our brains when we shop.

20:32: We talk about how women's bodies became fashion statements and whether this is good or bad, or perhaps it's both.

28:41: We discuss the faulty thinking that losing weight means we can finally love and accept our bodies.

38:40: We discuss the hurt caused when grown women take to social media to judge a 17-year-old's homecoming dress. These types of posts happen in almost every community and need to stop.

43:38: Please listen to Bops and my reaction when Z says she loves her body by giving it rest. You would have thought we had never heard that idea before!

52:18: Words from the wisest child I know.

59:18: Loving advice from my sister to her daughter.

Thanks for listening!