"I wanted to be the best little Christian girl." This line makes many of us who grew up in the south wince. When you meet someone in the south, one of the first questions asked is, "Where do you go to church." Christianity is a lifestyle with heavy expectations. For many women, finding their space in a Christian world is stifling. We live in a world that uses the Son of Man to dictate what women can and can not do. 

Enter Karina.

Karina is a woman who is striving to be her most authentic spiritual self. After graduating from a Southern Baptist School of Theology, she realized her Southern Baptist upbringing left her with more questions than answers. The pressure to be "the best little Christian girl" was taking a toll on her body. Her beliefs stretched beyond the Bible and into a place deep within her that was Divine. And then there was Mary Magdalene, a mysterious woman in the Bible who people ignore or downplay her importance to Jesus. Still, Mary seems to call out to Karina, and Karina is answering the call.