
 This episode is one where we get to be students of Dr. AnaLouise Keating as she helps us understand the kaleidoscope of views that make up Feminist Theory. Dr. AnaLouise Keating is a wealth of intellect. She is one of those and/both spirits. She lives in the in-between, the gray spaces of life. Her work is proof of this. 

I was drawn to her because of how she approaches feminism and its multiple layers. She observes how the paradoxes of feminism work or don't work together. Still, she is more interested in finding where they connect. Where the "like" experience is. She explains feminism and womanism and gives insight into the Intersectionality of Feminism with women of color and Queer Theory. She describes how we experience the world both from where we live and from inside our bodies. She beckons the communion and the divine of feminism while respecting the many viewpoints of it. Dr. Keating helps us understand how very layered true equality actually is. 

She emphasizes to understand another's spirit, we must understand their lived experiences. This is a keystone value in the feminist way of life. Her ability to hold the paradoxes of humanity makes her a keystone feminist. 

Here are some timecodes to tune into:

4:49: Dr. Keating reminds us how feminism has many definitions.

6:06: We learn how feminism helps us look at the injustice in the world.

11:00: She helps us understand the differences and similarities between Womanist and/or Feminist.

14:12: She teaches us how to enter humanity's uncomfortable "border" spaces.

16:08: Dr. Keating explains Queer Theory and feminism.

18:18: We learn the advantage of living in the "In-between" or and/both areas of life.

20:36: We discuss how to resolve conflict from an and/both way of thinking as well as the pitfalls of defining ourselves by an "anti" or "not that" mentality.

24:43: Women are spiritual beings. YES, PLEASE!

31:37: We learn about Theory in the Flesh

33:15: Intersectionality of Feminism and why it needs understanding.

38:55 Dr. Keating tells us about her research on Indigenous People and feminism. She also discusses how Indigenous people living near Seneca Falls, NY, may have influenced our feminist foremothers during the suffrage movement. 

This is an incredible conversation. Please pull up a chair and join us.

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