(Part 2 of 2) The mass devastation of the Liberian Civil War of 1989 served as a backdrop to Sonnie’s earliest memories. Her father headed to the United States when she still was very young, leaving Sonnie, her mother and younger brother to seek refuge in a small village outside the city. Soon after the war ended, Sonnie’s mother left both children behind in the village as she, too, made her way to America.

The physical, sexual and emotional abuse Sonnie endured throughout her life set the tone for her self-perception as she grew into womanhood. Trapped in a tumultuous marriage, she eventually found herself at the breaking point in the form of a suicide attempt interrupted by her young son. In that moment, she knew things had to change.

Fast-forward to today: Sonnie has transformed her life's traumas into a story of empowerment, fueled by the understanding that forgiveness and self-love must be at the center of healing. Today she is devoted to her young children and loving husband. And, though each day remains a struggle, she has found the light in her life and now sees how she can use her story to help other women.