Previous Episode: Middle School Mind

Our podcast is a summary of the amazing novel Pride and Prejudice. We thought it would be fun to talk about a novel that’s so monumental in the way that we function as a society that is made by such a famous and esteemed author(we also both have read the novel so that helped). We began to jot down the main ideas throughout the novel so we could adequately sum it up, when I noticed the way that we wrote down the notes were so different from the way we were discussing it over text. The amount of idiotic slang in use during our text conversations would probably make any English teacher faint. So, in order to make our podcast a little more interesting, we decided to make a summary in two voices, sort of a “what I think vs. what I say”. So, I hope this will at least make you chuckle once while listening cause the world really does need more laughter right now.