Forests are only part of the answer to dealing with climate change, warns Marty Verry, CEO of Red Stag Timber, NZ’s largest timber mill. He says the government’s One Billion Trees Programme could lead to a dangerous glut unless there’s a wholesale adoption of wood for construction, fuel and other downstream products. Could a ‘Wood First’ policy displace concrete and steel? How reliable are forests for carbon sink? And as a source of credits? And what about all that lost farmland? These questions and more on This Climate Business!


About Marty

Marty Verry is the CEO of Red Stag Timber, NZ’s largest and most advanced timber mill, based in Rotorua. A surfer, dad and convert to climate action, Marty started his sustainability journey after seeing the human impact on the ocean and the opportunity forestry can play in solving our emissions problem – if done right.