Last week, the Labour Party unveiled an election promise to bring forward by five years the goal of 100 percent renewable electricity generation to 2030. It means NZ would join nations such as Iceland and Norway in leading the world in renewables and reinforce Jacinda Adern’s commitment to addressing climate change. It is after all, her generation’s nuclear free moment. But not everyone is impressed. Greenpeace has called policy ‘stingy’ and climate change journalist Marc Daalder describes it as a ‘red herring’. So is going 100% renewable by 2030 a bold plan for emissions reduction, or it is an expensive distraction while the rest of the country burns.

I was joined by Newsroom journalist Marc Daalder and by Greenpeace energy spokesperson Amanda Larsson to discuss the policy.

Read Marc’s excellent article about the policy here

Read Greenpeace’s statement about the policy here

Read the Labour Party policy statement here