The Republic of Ireland just passed the most ambitious climate change plan of any developed country. With a commitment to halve emissions by 2030 and be net neutral by 2050, the home of River Dancing makes New Zealand look positively flat-footed, says Professor Robert McLachlan. The Massey University mathematician and author of climate change blog Planetary Ecology says Ireland is one the few countries to take the Paris Agreement proper serious. We talked to Robert about Ireland, Antarctica, renewables, maths and cats.


About Robert

Professor Robert McLachlan is a mathematician at Massey University. He’s also co-author of one of NZ’s most popular climate change blogs Planetary Ecology. A recent post about cats drew worldwide following, confirming everything we suspected about the Internet. 


You can visit Planetary Ecology here

Read Robert’s blog about Ireland here

Learn more about Ireland’s Climate Action Plan here

See some videos of cats here