For many photographers, self-promotion can feel a little painful even in the best of times. But what about those days (and weeks and months) when there are much bigger events (rightly) dominating our headlines and headspace? How do you send out a sales email or post about your upcoming mini sessions when those things seem trivial at best compared to what's happening in the world?

Balancing the need to book work with our genuine sensitivity can be tricky... no one wants to be an insensitive jerk, but we all have bills to pay, too. Today’s episode gives you a strategy for how to stick to your marketing plan while remaining tactful and tuned in to the bigger picture.


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Listen to the Simple Sales Limited Series Podcast where Annemie teaches the 6 steps to running a profitable, sustainable photography business you love. Join the TCBTH Facebook Group - a supportive, business-focused group for photographers. Leave a review!