One of the easiest traps entrepreneurs can fall into is filling our time with the busywork of running a business, and in so doing, postponing or missing bigger opportunities or changes that could dramatically improve our businesses and our lives.

A lot like having a baby, there is never a “perfect” time to make changes - especially big ones - in your business. There’s always going to be a good reason to wait - but what does waiting cost you? 

Today, I’m talking about a skill that is essential to master as an entrepreneur: how to prioritize and tackle the bigger, longer-term projects that keep your business moving forward. 


Listen to Episode 15

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Join the free This Can’t Be That Hard Facebook Group - the most supportive, business-focused group for photographers out there! 

Learn how to create even more stability in your income with Revenue on Repeat.


Listen to the Simple Sales Limited Series Podcast where Annemie teaches the 6 steps to running a profitable, sustainable photography business you love. Join the TCBTH Facebook Group - a supportive, business-focused group for photographers. Leave a review!