Episode 5 - Expert Episode - Luke Moulton Delivers - Unreal Lead Generation on Facebook

Oh boy this episode is a doozy. Luke Moulton who made his first dollar in the challenge over a decade ago. Drops a BOMB on me with a little known Facebook Lead Generation technique - you can hear when the lights switch on for me during the episode.

I tell you how important this episode is - I tore off a copy of it and emailed the episode to my private clients with a simple message - LISTEN TO THIS NOW!!

Another client implemented it and using the Your First Dollar email framework landed a $5000 customer in 24 hours.

If you want to test a market - this is a must listen If you need emails for the raw material of your happy customer factory - this is a must listen


The Links we talked about in the show

Facebook tutorials on Lead Ads

Luke's service which helps you use your facebook leads with autoresponders


At some point after this episode publishes the new Challenge and the new book which will guide you to your first dollar will be released. You can get a free copy here.

Clink this link to get a free copy of my book

This is the result of two years of testing and research and 12 years of lessons from the Challenge.

Everything is new - Everything has changed - There is still no charge for Awesomeness

Challenge - Your First Dollar Live Workshop

Do in two days what used to take thirty!

I'll be doing the first two challenge LIVE! workshops in Sydney and Auckland. For $197 US you can come and do the Challenge in two days.

Crazy right!!

Sydney 18/19 March Auckland 8/9 April

More Details - email me [email protected]