I love a counter-intuitive lesson and this one is a dozy.

Learn what cadence is and how you can take this counter-intuitive peak performance concept and use it to make working on your business far less stressful.


PS Hey if you are ready to start a new project ( or restart a stalled one) here are  couple of ways I can help you


* Download my new book "Your First Dollar" - This is the fastest way I know how to get you to start a business you are going to be excited about - even if you only have a couple of hours a week. https://yourfirstdollar.com


* Get trained by me at NicheStyle Academy - If you're keen about getting to $10,000 a month you need a coach - just send me an email with the subject line "Interested" and I'll send you the details


* Partner with me - every now and then I work with a partner to help them launch a new product or create a new campaign - If this is interesting to you send me an email to [email protected] with the  subject "Partner Opportunity"


* I love going on podcasts and youtube shows (and I'm told I tend to add a lot of value!!) - just shoot me an email to [email protected] and let's set up a time.


Where you can find me.

The Blog: http://www.eddale.co

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddalefan

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ed_dale

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