We are back with another exciting edition of the podcast that we are dedicating to the discussion of Biden vs. Everybody. That's right! On the heels of his final State of the Union Address before the upcoming November Election, we are discussing Biden vs Donald Trump, Biden vs. the Republican Party and Biden vs. the Media. These are the three sub topics we endeavor to unpack and to talk about about during this week's edition of the podcast.

Things are certainly heating up in the political landscape of this country as we head towards the November Election, and we feel it its apart of our civic duty to use this platform to educate and empower our listeners so that they can make informed decisions as they head to the polls for the upcoming Presidential Election. We not only want you to vote, because we certainly believe that we should exercise our right to vote, but we want you to make a wise decision as you head to the polls in November.

PLUS, we have a very interesting Thought of the Week from the Drum Major himself, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (parody) offering his insights during a press conference immediately following this year's State of the Union of Address. In it he talks about his legacy, our progress as a people, and even offers his thoughts on the upcoming election.

We hope you enjoy this week, bust mostly we hope that it inspires you and other like you to go to the polls and vote!


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