This might very well not be your cup of tea. I will rework the content of this video in the usual approach tomorrow.


Think of an offtank player that you think is top 3 in the World at the role.

Got one? Okay. Give a percentage, how certain are you of your answer? If you can, remember the number.

There are many legitimate reasons to hold your opinion. Let's peel away at the layers which brought you there and see how they hold up.

1.)Name the things that the player does very well. It could be something like having big D.Va bombs, being flexible, having great awareness etc. (ask about ONE specific thing)

2.)Can you name the three instances where you observed your player doing this specific thing?

3.)Did you observe your player doing these things in a timeframe you think is relevant?

4.)How important do you think these things are in the grand scope of the role?

5.)Did these instances occur against top competition?

Outside influence
1.)Do you hold your opinion that your offtank player is a top 3 player in the World in part because an expert, such as a player, a coach or an analyst shared it?

2.)On what basis are you considering the people experts and how possible is it that they are biased (for reasons such as playing on a team, being a fan etc.)?

3.)Have these experts given you reasons as to why your player is good and if so, which?

4.)Do yours and his reasons overlap or do you just share a conclusion?

5.)Do a majority of people you interacted with hold this opinion about your player?

1.) How big is communication for the role of a flex tank in your opinion?

2.) Do you think you've been supplied with the necessary information in order to judge his level of communication?

3.)Do you think you've been supplied with the necessary tools to assess your player's level?

4.)Do you think you've put in the necessary work to have an opinion about him and other flex tanks?

5.) You chose a top 3 player in the flex tank role. Is he better than Meko, Fury, Poko or Space? Why? (the flex tanks for the top 4 finishers)

Again, give a percentage, how certain are you of your answer? Write it down or remember it.