Localizing and personalizing an application is separate from the language used in the interface. Kip Cole explains how the mismatch of computers with the culture of our audience creates friction we may not even be aware of. In fact, our benign app may be unintentionally offensive to millions of people! Kip created the libraries ex_cldr, money and tempo to help Elixir developers localize applications in a culture aware way. What does that mean? It means using minimal information we can infer how names should appear, how numbers are represented, the assumed numeric rounding rules, first day of the week, the calendar being used, and more!
Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/120 (http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/120)
Elixir Community News
- https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenixliveview (https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view) – LiveView v0.18.1 and 0.18.2 were released
- https://twitter.com/mcrumm/status/1575571809470070784 (https://twitter.com/mcrumm/status/1575571809470070784) – PhoenixProfiler plugin updated for LiveView 0.18
- https://github.com/mcrumm/phoenix_profiler (https://github.com/mcrumm/phoenix_profiler)
- https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/88 (https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/88) – Previous interview with Michael Crumm about PhoenixProfiler
- https://news.livebook.dev/how-to-query-and-visualize-data-from-amazon-athena-using-livebook-4dfQ5y (https://news.livebook.dev/how-to-query-and-visualize-data-from-amazon-athena-using-livebook-4dfQ5y) – Livebook blog tutorial post showing how to use Amazon Athena
- https://aws.amazon.com/athena/ (https://aws.amazon.com/athena/) – Amazon Athena service page
- https://github.com/phenixdigital/phxlivestorybook (https://github.com/phenixdigital/phx_live_storybook) – PhxLiveStorybook released v.0.4
- https://github.com/phenixdigital/phxlivestorybook/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md (https://github.com/phenixdigital/phx_live_storybook/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
- https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/117 (https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/117) – Previous interview about PhxLiveStorybook
- https://supabase.com/blog/postgres-wasm (https://supabase.com/blog/postgres-wasm) – Supabase open-sources PostgreSQL on WASM
- https://dockyard.com/blog/2022/10/01/liveview-native-weekly-update-4 (https://dockyard.com/blog/2022/10/01/liveview-native-weekly-update-4) – LiveView Native - weekly update 4
Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir (https://twitter.com/ThinkingElixir) or email at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Discussion Resources
- https://twitter.com/wiebemarten/status/1557852447414132739 (https://twitter.com/wiebemarten/status/1557852447414132739)
- https://github.com/kipcole9 (https://github.com/kipcole9)
- https://2022.elixirconf.com/speakers/kip-cole (https://2022.elixirconf.com/speakers/kip-cole) – Time algebra - a new way to think about and work with time
- https://github.com/kipcole9/tempo (https://github.com/kipcole9/tempo) – Tempo library
- https://github.com/kipcole9/money (https://github.com/kipcole9/money)
- https://github.com/elixir-cldr/cldr (https://github.com/elixir-cldr/cldr) – ex_cldr - Elixir implementation of CLDR/ICU
- https://www.amazon.com/Astronomical-Algorithms-Jean-Meeus/dp/0943396611 (https://www.amazon.com/Astronomical-Algorithms-Jean-Meeus/dp/0943396611)
- https://github.com/kimlai/tz_world (https://github.com/kimlai/tz_world)
- https://www.iflscience.com/what-is-a-leap-second-and-why-do-amazon-facebook-and-google-want-to-scrap-it-64625 (https://www.iflscience.com/what-is-a-leap-second-and-why-do-amazon-facebook-and-google-want-to-scrap-it-64625)
- https://github.com/kipcole9/money (https://github.com/kipcole9/money)
Guest Information
- https://twitter.com/kipcole9 (https://twitter.com/kipcole9) – on Twitter
- https://github.com/kipcole9/ (https://github.com/kipcole9/) – on Github
- https://elixirforum.com/u/kip/summary (https://elixirforum.com/u/kip/summary) – ElixirForum
Find us online
- Message the show - @ThinkingElixir (https://twitter.com/ThinkingElixir)
- Email the show - [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
- Mark Ericksen - @brainlid (https://twitter.com/brainlid)
- David Bernheisel - @bernheisel (https://twitter.com/bernheisel)
- Cade Ward - @cadebward (https://twitter.com/cadebward)

Localizing and personalizing an application is separate from the language used in the interface. Kip Cole explains how the mismatch of computers with the culture of our audience creates friction we may not even be aware of. In fact, our benign app may be unintentionally offensive to millions of people! Kip created the libraries ex_cldr, money and tempo to help Elixir developers localize applications in a culture aware way. What does that mean? It means using minimal information we can infer how names should appear, how numbers are represented, the assumed numeric rounding rules, first day of the week, the calendar being used, and more!

Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/120

Elixir Community News

https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view – LiveView v0.18.1 and 0.18.2 were released
https://twitter.com/mcrumm/status/1575571809470070784 – PhoenixProfiler plugin updated for LiveView 0.18
https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/88 – Previous interview with Michael Crumm about PhoenixProfiler
https://news.livebook.dev/how-to-query-and-visualize-data-from-amazon-athena-using-livebook-4dfQ5y – Livebook blog tutorial post showing how to use Amazon Athena
https://aws.amazon.com/athena/ – Amazon Athena service page
https://github.com/phenixdigital/phx_live_storybook – PhxLiveStorybook released v.0.4
https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/117 – Previous interview about PhxLiveStorybook
https://supabase.com/blog/postgres-wasm – Supabase open-sources PostgreSQL on WASM
https://dockyard.com/blog/2022/10/01/liveview-native-weekly-update-4 – LiveView Native - weekly update 4

Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at [email protected]

Discussion Resources

https://2022.elixirconf.com/speakers/kip-cole – Time algebra - a new way to think about and work with time
https://github.com/kipcole9/tempo – Tempo library
https://github.com/elixir-cldr/cldr – ex_cldr - Elixir implementation of CLDR/ICU

Guest Information

https://twitter.com/kipcole9 – on Twitter
https://github.com/kipcole9/ – on Github
https://elixirforum.com/u/kip/summary – ElixirForum

Find us online

Message the show - @ThinkingElixir
Email the show - [email protected]
Mark Ericksen - @brainlid
David Bernheisel - @bernheisel
Cade Ward - @cadebward

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