In this episode, I have Patrick Maloney back on to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; however, this time, he's now officially a Doctor of Epidemiology. As a freshly minted infectious disease expert, we talk in depth about COVID-19. The discussion starts off with congratulations and then moves through all aspects of the pandemic (e.g., why health officials are recommending the steps that they are, various myths debunked, what “flattening the curve means” and why it's important, etc.) and what to expect moving forward. We then move on to critiquing the responses from various Governments and finish up with discussing what we can learn as a society from this event and our hopes that more will listen to the recommendations coming from the scientific community in the future.

Dr. Patrick Maloney is a few weeks into officially donning the Doctor title as he recently successfully defended his PhD dissertation in Epidemiology. Beyond his doctorate from LSU, he holds an MPH (Master's of Public Health) from University of Illinois at Chicago, has authored a number of publications, and has even designed and taught courses in public health.

You can find his CV here:

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