In this episode, I am speaking with Jacob Lund Fisker about physics, critical thinking, and personal finance.

We discuss:

•His journey into science and why he chose physics.
•How a website on anti-consumerism that he stumbled across in graduate school is what first interested him in economics and personal finance.
•How the current economic paradigm of infinite growth conflicts with the laws of physics and is unsustainable.
•His philosophy of critical thinking .
•What a tragedy it is that many people don't continue to develop intellectually after college.
•The power of first principles thinking.
•Possible reasons for why critical thinking is not more widely taught.
•And other topics.

Jacob wrote the first popular blog on financial independence and extreme early retirement. As one of the progenitors of the F.IR.E movement (i.e., financial independence. Retire early), his philosophy embraces a more responsible way of living beyond the wake, work, and consume cycle that encircles capitalistic societies today.

His book, Early Retirement Extreme (ERE), which applies systems theory to personal finance has sold over 40,000 copies. An astrophysicist by training, he retired at 33 and now focuses on practical aspects of individual adaption to the impacts of energy resources and climate breakdown.

You can find ERE websites of interest here:

You can find the ERE book here:

Paperback and Kindle:

You can find this episode on our YouTube channel as well:

This show is supported and produced by Final Stretch Media. Final Stretch believes in creating something that disrupts attention spans and challenges the marketing status quo. They do this by creating high quality visual content that captivates your audience. You can find them on:


This show is also supported by QuikLee; the creators of Brain Racers. The world's first ever live racing competition for the brain. Download their app and play live on the weekends on an iOS device against the world. I have raced and it's a blast!

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