Money is not in short supply, is only seems to be so. The problem is that a dollar won’t go as far today as it used to. But then, men won’t go as far for a dollar today as they used to. A lot of little boys wanted to hurry and grow up so they could wear long pants. Now they get to wear their pants longer than they ever dreamed they would. If you purchase quality merchandise and take good care of it, you’ll be stretching your dollars, and that’s just as good as getting an increase in your income.

Are there any bargains around today? Of course there are. I found the best bargain of my life many years ago, and I am so glad I found it early in life so I could enjoy it for a long time. Here’s the bargain I found: I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and committed my life to studying and following His commandments. It was such an easy thing to do, and it cost me nothing. It was a free gift from God. I have never regretted it. I have “joy unspeakable”, and a “peace that passes all understanding.” I am living the “abundant life.” I have gone through a lot of cars and clothes and other goods and services in the last fifty years or more since I accepted Christ, but I have never had to replace Him.

Paul Graham